Gameplay Journal Entry: 3

Alana Brunson
2 min readFeb 3, 2021

The first video is about the mod and the second is gameplay using it.

When I think of a mod on a game it would be the recent flux of mods coming for among us. I haven't played any of them myself but I keep seeing a new one every few weeks and they all seem like an interesting addition to the game. Among us is a game where you play as a crewmate whose job is to finish tasks while the imposter is faking those tasks and killing the crewmates. The goal for the crewmate is to do all the tasks or vote out the imposter at meetings. While the imposter's job is to be the last person standing.

Most of these new mods still rely on the task maps and the same concept of the game while adding new rules and adding new statements that change the normal progression of the game. Almost like a parasite would take over a host. The idea is the host is a wealthy game developing company but in this case its a game that for the most part is free or rather cheap made by a small team so is it fair that these modders are getting all the attention for a game that they didn't make. I can see where the relationship could be helpful together but it begs the question of when is it not. (38)“… When does the game developer or publisher deem the player modifications an unacceptable gift…(38 Shleiner)” I don't know if I have that answer. Maybe when I'm in both the game developers' shoes I might feel differently but right now I don't.

Works Cited

Schleiner, A. (2018). Chapter 2. In The player’s power to change the game: Ludic mutation (p. 38). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

